Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ask the Profitess #2

Dear Profitess,

First of all, I just want to give honor where honor is due and give thanks to the $pirit for calling you forth into the ministry, and to say "many thanks" to you for answering the call.
I was really depressed and low on cash, and then I heard you speak with such authority as you declared increase over all my storehouses. I was so grateful, the $pirit moved me to make a sacrificial offering and sow into your ministry. The $pirit bore witness and confirmation because when I handed you my humble offering, you jumped around and told me that the $pirit had just shown you the words, "Make me a cake first."(I Kings 17:13)

Sister Profitess, I will never forget the tears in your eyes as you told me how you initially resisted the $pirit's prompting, because you saw that I did not have much to be giving in the first place. You told me how you feared for your soul for being disobedient by not telling the Word: Make me a cake first. But then you told me how relieved you were when the $pirit prompted me to give you what money I had, without you having to ask. As you told me this, and hugged me and encouraged me, my spirit bore witness and I prayed in my prayer language all the way home! I will never forget that day!

That was 5 years ago. My financial situation has not gotten better since then. I'm at the same job, and I've gotten 2 raises; but they don't match with the 3 increases in rent I've had. I didn't know it at the time, but when we met I was pregnant. Now I have ravenously hungry 4-yr. old triplets to feed. That's right, TRIPLETS! I know you prayed and prophesied for increase but I know you were talking about financial, not more mouths to feed!

QUESTION: Not only did I sow a seed into your ministry, but into countless others. When am I going to get my returns? You and at least 10 others have prophesied over me that I will have millions flowing in. Um... when? I know I'm not supposed to doubt God or ever get angry at His messengers, but's really hard to hang on.

Sis. Holdin' On By A Thread

Dear Sister Thread,

Thus saith the $pirit:
I hear your cries, yea I see your tears. I am there when you are praying at 3:00 in the morning while trying to get your fussy toddlers to go back to sleep. I know the pain. But I am faithful. My word does not come up empty. Read Isaiah 7:10-14. Ahaz was told to ask for a sign, but was afraid to. Then he was told he would be given a sign anyway: a virgin would conceive, and his name would be called Immanuel.
Everyone knows who this virgin-born Immanuel is right? Now, was Ahaz around to witness the birth, or at least to meet this Immanuel in person? No! Ahaz had been dead for many, many generations. However, the seed of Ahaz got to see the fruit of that word come to pass.
Remember, Sister; profitic promises are not empty. They just take a while.
You may die poor. Does that mean all your sowing seeds into the kingdom was in vain?
NO! Your triplets' great-grandchildren will make millions! Even if a million US dollars is, by that time, minimum wage for a year, that does not make the profitic word less true!
So stay strong. Give praying. Keep praising. Keep praying in an unknown tongue. Keep sacrificing.
Be not weary in well-doing.

Hallowed are the Ori,

The Profitess

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